ASPC Charity Donations
Every year the ASPC donates £1000 to charities as chosen by the Council.
Any ASPC member can put forward any charity of their choice for consideration for a donation.
We are considering who to donate to in 2025 - so if you have any ideas please email us
In 2024 the ASPC donated to 3 charities Aspire, University Laval and race for life

Aspire is a national charity that provides practical help to people who have been paralysed by Spinal Cord Injury, endeavouring to assist with equal opportunities, choice and independence in society by removing physical obstacles, economic barriers and social prejudice that divide disabled and non-disabled people.

ASPC member Asif Ahmed ran his 5K run - failling to do any of the trainign he had promised - and looks forward to doing it again.....not!

Chairty of our key Note speaker at the 2024 ASPC Coference: Professor Michel Labreque
The Fund aims to financially support research and training in support
of male reproductive health services in developing countries, particularly with regard to advanced and adapted techniques in male
Click here for more details